Water and wastewater treatment in Gulf

Industrial and commercial Water & Wastewater Treatment

Smart Water Treatment Technology offers premium water treatment solutions for its customers. SWWTT provides innovative solutions and develops systems to reuse water and treat high-quality drinking water in residential and commercial sectors. We offer diverse options that will help you find the perfect water solution according to your needs.

Residential Water Treatment

Orlando-based Treatment Company, Smart Water & Wastewater Treatment Technology group, offers premium water solutions that suit the need of every home. Bringing you high-quality drinking water and offering a wide range of water filtration and water softeners.

Commercial Water Treatment

Smart Water Treatment Technology is an engineering company that operates actively in Bahrain, the Middle East, and Gulf region. Our in-house capabilities include designing, fabricating, installing, testing, operating, and maintaining water treatment solutions, which gives us an advantage over other resellers. We offer a diverse range of options that can help you choose the perfect water solution that meets your budget requirements.

Our Operation is IMS-certified

Affordable Commercial Water Treatment Services

Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment

Reverse Osmosis is the most common desalination technology. We design units to provide drinking water quality from seawater, well water and recycle water.

Wastewater Treatment

Wastewater treatment is one of the important facilities used to protect the environment. Plants are designed to treat the wastewater and convert it into good quality treated water that customers can reuse for many applications.

Filtration Water Treatment

Using a conventional filtration system or the most advanced ultrafiltration technology helps our customers to eliminate turbidity and the suspended solids.

Reuse of the water not only saves your money but also reduces the harmful discharges.

Water Treatment Customers

The Smart Water Treatment Technology Group provides water treatment services in the United States of America Kingdom of Bahrain the, State of Qatar, Kuwait, UE, KSA, Iraq, and Egypt

Hospitals and clinics

Water testing, boiler water treatment, Reverse osmosis units for Kidney dialysis and lab water supply of chemicals, filtration systems, water softeners, Package treatment plants, and gray water.

Hotels and resorts

Water testing. Supply of chemicals. Filtration systems. Water softeners. Reverse Osmosis. Package treatment plants. Gray water systems. Swimming pool filtration packages

Ships and yachts

Custom-made Seawater Reverse Osmosis with optional solar power, wastewater treatment.

Labour camps

Sewage treatment plants and Reverse Osmosis desalination plants

Consultant firms

Design, project management, and supervision for water projects.


Ground and well water treatment, reverse osmosis and recycle water.


Industrial wastewater and reuse, filtration packages, DAF and Reverse Osmosis


Sewage treatment plants. Pumping stations. Industrial wastewater. Asset Management. Infrastructure Management.

Communities and residential area

Pumping stations. Swimming pool solutions. Recycle and reclaimed treatment. Water testing. Disinfection. Reverse osmosis. Wastewater treatment.
Protecting the environment is out top priority.
Mina Mansour
Wastewater reuse is a second life for an essential resource.
Mina Mansour
Let us use the water more efficiently, recycling is important to save natural resources for the new generations.
Technical Director

Teams Personal Experience- Water Desalination -Reverse Osmosis (RO)

Our team boasts extensive expertise in the design, construction, testing, commissioning, operation, and maintenance of numerous water and wastewater treatment plants. With a proven track record, we excel in delivering innovative solutions that ensure efficient and sustainable water management.

Site Country Type Capacity (m3/day)
The Pearl Qatar Qatar SWRO 35,000
Sidi Krir Power Generation Plant Egypt MSF 10,000
Durrat Al Bahrain Bahrain SWRO 4,000
Saint Ridges Hotel- Doha Qatar BWRO 2,200
Arab Agriculture Farm-Shahaniyah Qatar BWRO 2,000
Sinai View -Sharl El Shiekh Egypt SWRO 2,000
Golden Line Metro QDVC-Doha Qatar SWRO 1,700
Pyramisa – Sharm El Shiekh Egypt SWRO 1,500
Four Seasons Hotel -Doha Qatar BWRO 1,500
El Sherouk 2000 City- Cairo Egypt BWRO 1,400