City and well water quality

Comparison between City and Well Water drinking Quality

Can I drink water from my kitchen faucet !!? 

Learn about your drinking water quality.

Can I drink from the tap water? 

This is a  commonly asked question. However, to answer this question correctly, you must learn about the possible contaminant in your water.

We believe everyone has the right to access drinking water.

The drinking water in your house can have different types of contaminants.

For example, in Orlando, Florida, residents get their water from the  City Water or Wells. Each source can contain its contaminant, and we propose a tailored system that eliminates those contaminants and provides good drinking water quality.

Many contaminants can be present in your water due to many reasons. For instance, the water source, water network, cross-connections, and the quality and lifetime of your plumbing.

“City Water ” and ” Well Water” have different contaminant types that you should know.



Dosing chlorine in city water is essential to disinfect and eliminate bacterial contamination.

The amount of chlorine that reaches your home will vary. Excessive chlorine in drinking water can lead to a pungent smell and potential health hazards.

Rust and Dust

Water passes through several stages before it reaches your tap.

Starting from the treatment plant, network, storage tanks, valves, and piping until it reaches your faucet, which increases the potential of having excess turbidity or suspended solids. 

Hard Water

Hard Water has many impacts on the body, skin, hair, piping, appliances, and even your clothes when washed.

The presence of Calcium and Magnesium minerals causes an increase in Water Hardness that tends to precipitate and form a scale.

Lead and other metal

Many people with special health conditions require water with low salt content requiring treatment to protect their health and family.

High Sodium content or dissolved solids might not be advised for people with special requirements. The old piping system using lead is no longer allowed. 


The Water's Hardness

Hard water impacts the body, skin, hair, piping, appliances, and even your laundry.

Hard water results from calcium and Magnesium minerals in the Water that tends to precipitate and form a scale.

Rust & Dust

Water passes through several stages before it reaches your tap.

It starts from the treatment plant, network, storage tanks, valves, and piping until it reaches your faucet, increasing the potential of excess turbidity or suspended solids. 

Bacteria and biological contamination

Rotten egg odor is one of the important signs of the presence of bacteria in the water.

A disinfection system including a UV system of continuous dosing of chlorine will be required.

Iron, Sulfur, and manganese.

Your well water by nature contains many minerals, excess of Iron, Sulfur, and manganese will lead to unpleasant taste and appearance.

Stains of bathtubs sink, laundries are a sign of excess quality, Ion exchange system can be offered to overcome such issues.

With our first-class selected equipment, we guarantee you the Best Drinking Water Quality.

There are many products that customers can use to treat one or more of those issues.
As professional Orlando Water Treatment, we recommend our customers carry out FREE water quality testing to determine the possible contaminant and then get the right system to treat your specific water. Finally, we aim to get you the drinking water quality you want

Frequently Occurring Problems in Water Quality

Why does the water ruin the texture of my clothes after laundry?

Minute percentages of chemicals and contaminants in the water can lead to major effects in your laundry. This means that the texture of your clothes may seem rough and dry. SWTT offers water softener treatment for water in your homes so that you can get rid of this problem.

Why do I see reddish color in toilet basin?

High Iron content in your water may be leading to reddish color in the toilet basin. For this, you will need a water filtration or whole house filtration treatment that will help you get pure and clean water at all times.

Why do I see black color in the toilet basin?

The high manganese content in your water may be leading to black color in the toilet basin. For this, you will need a water filtration or whole house filtration treatment that will help you get pure and clean water at all times.

What is the rotten odor coming from the water flow in my home?

If you are in well water, that means your Well is contaminated by nearby waste discharge or Iron bacteria developed in your well. Customers who get water stored in a closed  (dead end) without disinfection also suffer from such odor. There will be a possibility for fungi to grow, leading to a foul smell in your water. Our Orlando water treatment chlorination and UV disinfection offer a smooth solution to your problem.

Why does the water make my skin feel irritated?

Some of the mineral content, chlorine, pH, and water harness might be an unusual level that makes you feel that your skin is dry. Untreated water can lead to dry and itchy skin, which is why water treatment and reconditioning are highly recommended.

Why my drinking water is cloudy?

Good drinking water is transparent, and if yours is cloudy or leaving residue after sitting for a while, it means your water is not being filtered properly. For this purpose, SWTT offers various water treatment systems that will ensure clean water around the house.

Still facing a water quality problem !?

No worries, Contact us ,We offer Absolutely Free Water quality Test and consultation

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