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Sewage Treatment Systems

Investing to build sewage treatment systems today means securing a cleaner, safer, and healthier environment for humanity's future generations and the planet Earth.

Why do we need sewage treatment plants?

Wastewater generated by humans (sewage ) is a major environmental and public health threat. Although it may be considered “waste” or “pollution,” it can also be viewed as a source of revenue and potentially save vast amounts of using valuable potable water. The most advanced sewage treatment plants eliminate the pollutant and produce good-quality effluent that can be reused or released into the surrounding environment without harming nature. The following are examples of the applications in which treated sewage water can be used :
  • Landscaping.
  • Irrigation.
  • Makeup for cooling towers.
  • Network flushing and cleaning.
  • Recharge aquifers
  • Reduce the salt content in particular groundwater.
  • Industrial systems.
  • Vehicle washing systems.
At the global level, an estimated 52% of sewage is treated. However, sewage treatment rates are highly unequal worldwide; for example, while high-income countries treat approximately 74% of their sewage, developing countries treat an average of just 4. %. Earlier sewage wastewater was discharged into rivers, seas, or oceans, contaminating the primary source that we need to generate drinking water for us and new generations to come; it is time now to think about the future and treat the sewage and wastewater and use it efficiently. Smart Water Treatment Technology Group have developed customized sewage treatment plants that fit your needs using the most advanced technologies.

Reduce pollution

Maintain cleaner Environment

Save the cost of using potable water

Reuse of natural resources

Protect the health of public

What Are the Technology used to treat the sewage

Being one of the market players in the Gulf Region, specifically in Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, UAE,  Iraq, Yamen, and KSA, We understand that each country has its regulation and limits for discharge; for that reason, we offer engineering custom-made plants designed to meet your requirement. Space requirement is also one of the main challenges that our customers face, and we support them by offering different technologies that can be supplied as modular packages to fit the spaces allotted for the plants.

Extended Aeration( EA)

Extended aeration is typically used in prefabricated “package plants” to minimize design costs for waste disposal from small communities, tourist facilities, or schools.

Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR)

A type of activated sludge process for the treatment of wastewater. SBR reactors treat wastewater in batches. SBR tank is utilized to serve several steps of the treatment, Filling, Reacting , Settling , Decanting, and desludging.

Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR)

They are utilizing membrane technology to separate the supernatant from mixed liquor. The MBR processes can produce high-quality effluent to be discharged to the coastal surface, brackish waterways, or reclaimed for urban irrigation. Other advantages of MBRs over conventional methods include a small footprint, easy retrofit, and upgrading old wastewater treatment plants.

Moving Bid Biofilm Reactor (MBBR)

The MBBR system consists of an aeration tank (similar to an activated sludge tank) with special plastic carriers that provide a surface where a biofilm can grow.
The system provides a minimum footprint compared to other types of treatment.

Our customers

As a sewage treatment plant manufacturer and operating systems, Smart Water Treatment Technology Group serves several business sectors in the middle east, specifically in Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, UAE, KSA, Yamen, Iraq, and Egypt.

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